Monday, May 30, 2011

Some First Thoughts in Korea

That was a sweaty plane ride
Cramping butt
Long line for immigration
Apartment is nice!
But dirty....
Cleaned, scrubbed, cleaned, and cleaned.
Blankets smell like they were sitting in a closet for months.
Friendly people ratio? 50:50
I feel like everyone looks at me with very judgmental eyes...maybe I'm just self-conscious
Wish umma was here with me...
Hope the bus ride goes well and I don't get lost... (I didn't! :))
I'm surprised to be in a fairly nice, hip neighborhood.
And right across the street is the park!
Haven't really had much time to "feel" busy and caught up with cleaning.
It was an interesting first night. Didn't have a clock. Literally woke up the next morning with the sunrise. Thought it was past 8am. Turns out it was only 6:30. -__-
I wish umma was here too..
I'm so good at cleaning. I feel like I'm being more anal because this is actually MY place...
It still hasn't settled in that I'm really in Korea. I feel like I'm in K-Town.
Co-workers seem like fun and comfortable to be around.
Can't wait to show y'all what my life is like.... I actually don't really know myself just yet.


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