Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Making Sense

Has it ever occurred to you, that pain is a blessing in disguise?
I did today, and although I don't fully accept it, I think I'm getting there.

The other day my friend was walking me through the process of getting some legal documents notarized. She recently had to painstakingly endure this process so she told me what to do step-by-step to a tee. And as much as it was a frustrating process for her, she seemed to be very glad to help me out so that I won't have to go through the same misery.

Similarly, I recently went through an unnecessarily complicated process of getting my Korean visa. It didn't have to be such an annoying experience, but it was, and because of that I can definitely save other people the trouble. And I'd do it without hesitation, and happily.

Maybe that's the whole thing about pain. The happenings in life that hurt you to the bones. The times that make you want to crawl into bed and never get up again. The ones where you find yourself asking, "Why me? Why must I live with this for the rest of my life? Why couldn't you save me from this suffering?"

When we endure immense pain, we become extremely familiar to it. It revisits you from time to time, without warning, but you know it so well that you actually know that it's back. A lot of times it's unexplainable, but there will definitely come a time when you can share it with someone, and be that one person who actually understands. And you'll do it without hesitation. And perhaps with a joyful heart.

I hope I can be strong enough to live that out. Soon enough.


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