Sunday, July 31, 2011

I have a dilemma...

I'm currently in the works of planning a day out and a possible "pajama party" (what Koreans refer to as a sleepover) outside of the hakwon with some of my students.
From my experience at the hakwon, I realized that I don't really have the chance to get to know my students at a deeper level. Granted, teachers don't have the responsibility to transform a student's life and it's definitely not realistic to do that for all of their students.
I have 76.
Well now 74, and slowly but surely decreasing as we speak...since Korean moms love to "taste-test" hakwons....
Anyway, my dilemma it okay for me to do this??
The idea just came about very naturally. Some of my students, especially the girls, love to chit-chat and tell me stories, but frankly, we don't have time to do that. Class time isn't even enough for the work we need to cover and if we do have time left, we can't just sit there and talk. The mom's will go crazy if they see the students (through the video recordings...our classes are recorded) with their books unopened, they'll complain f'sho.
And more importantly, I really want to make myself available to these kids, especially the 6th graders. They're at a crossroads where they're entering a rough six years of intense studying and yet they're not preparing themselves at all. It very much resembles senioritis.......
Plus, one of the mother's had suggested to me that she'd love to see some kind of mentor ship for her daughter, which I expressed that I would love that for myself as well.
So really, this could go both ways: either become an opportunity that opens doors for many more teacher-student relationships or...drama. Drama among the teachers, from the possible misunderstanding that I'm setting a level that they might feel forced to meet and that I'm trying to win the students' hearts, and even drama among the students that I'm being exclusive/partial.
I definitely can't do this with all of my students...there's just some that I'd love to invest in and can see us getting along very well.
Well, we'll see how it goes. The water's already been spilled. I told the five students to ask their parents about how they feel about this proposal. :)
I'm just gonna be optimistic, and believe that this is the beginning of something good.


Monday, July 18, 2011

I think this is it.....

This past weekend was so draining.
It was good, real good.
But so bad at the same time.

It began with an awesome, late night 삼겹살 (samgyubsal: grilled pork belly) dinner with a couple of my most favorite people on a rainy night in Ilsan. It continued on to a greatly missed sleepover at my apartment with nail polish and a not-so-favored Korean drama marathon. The Korean drama was well worth it, however, because my distinguished guest (Nants) is an absolute (obsessive) fan of the particular drama that was on. It was good to see her happy.
The following day included the most delicious 칼국수 (kalguksoo: handcut noodles) lunch and an extremely brief and rainy shopping excursion in my neighborhood. We got some dessert at the cutest Cafe Bene (the upgraded version of Starbucks in Korea) in my area and walked Jamie (my other guest) to the bus stop.
And then came the phone call with my mother.
No, it is not something that ruined my day.
It was not a (-__-) moment.
It just revealed to me the truth of why I haven't been able to really enjoy my time here. Not even an ounce, to be honest.
As it was expected, my mother is lonely.... It's something I worried about ever since I graduated college, but she always said she'll be okay because she "now has God".
But that's what mothers always say.
Every time I talk to her I wonder if it was the right decision for me to move here.
And then I feel like...what can I do? What more can I do? I need to do something, something to fix all her problems. Money doesn't seem to be enough....
Then, Sunday came.
From the moment I stepped into service, the tears came.
A breakthrough in my family, the desire to erase all shame, guilt, and burden.
The lies of my powerlessness, responsibilities, inadequacies.
And then, the truth of the Spirit and the flesh.
I've been living in the flesh for too long. I've always craved the Spiritual, but was always bound to the flesh.
It's not always about being imprisoned to laws or sins....
It's also about being imprisoned to all that you expect of yourself.
If you know me, you'd know how much I believe that the time is coming, the time for me to break out of my chains.

I think it begins here.


Friday, July 8, 2011



*WARNING: Heavy thoughts ahead....*

At work I'm usually caught up preparing things before classes start but today I had an unusual amount of free time, which was perfect because I got go make some phonecalls to my relatives before heading down to see them tomorrow. Which reminds me..I should be in bed for the trip ahead...anyways.

I finally got to talk to my 큰엄마 (keun-umma, oldest aunt on my dad's side, so my dad's oldest brother's wife) and the things she said brought up a lot of feelings that I wanted to forget.

You know when people pass...most of the time we want to remember the good memories and cherish who that person was? Well for's hard for me to smile and reminisce about the good times because even those times make me sad. The fact that I can't have them anymore, and I mostly think about what could've been.

My aunt said my dad was unlucky. My sister and I are finally grown up and ready to lift my parents' burdens but he left just before life for him would get better. What she basically said was that he raised us well but he's so unlucky to not be able to receive the fruits of his labor. Of course she didn't mean that in a bad way, and I totally agree.... My heart aches whenever I think about him and all that he never got to have. Being at Korea makes it harder because he always wanted to come here. But never, not once since he left Korea 20 years ago did he allow himself to come back, even for a visit.... Everything I eat, everything I see I want to share with him but I can't.

The other night I had a dream with him in it. It was strange. We were back at our old apartment and were holding serious meetings, meetings to prepare and plan for some kind of battle. Yes, a war-like battle. The climax of the dream was me "recruiting" several young guys from discreet, factory-like buildings down the street. I brought them to our apartment very eagerly and fed them well while my dad explained our plan. I don't remember much about the conversations, but I remember the seriousness, the intensity yet the coziness of that moment. And even though I only mostly saw the back and side views of my dad, I felt so secure.

And today it hit me.... I can only see him in my dreams, even those being very few. It's these times when I ask questions that I know will always remain unanswered but I keep asking them.
Why did he have to go?
Why at this time when things were starting to turn up?
Why did he go without ever experiencing pure freedom and joy?

I feel even further away from joy. I still wish this was all just a bad dream....


Wednesday, July 6, 2011



Two nights ago I laid in "my" bed (it doesn't feel like my bed quite yet if you get my drift) and it came out of nowhere.

I'm here for AN ENTIRE YEAR.
Or longer....

Until now I felt like a year was going to be too short, and go too fast. But...that night I realized it's actually a pretty long period of time if you think about how much can happen in a year. How much will my mom change? How much will I change? Will there be any progress in our lives? I've been underestimating how precious time is, only thinking of filling up my agenda.

I need to learn to value it and soak everything in instead of moving at the pace of time. I know that it goes by quickly...but I need to slow it down. And the only way to do that, is by slowing down myself.

Everything I want to do will happen in due time. There's no reason for me to rush things or think that a year is too short when it's actually a long time....

Well, that's just another one of my random rambles. I'm actually 90% decided on getting an iPhone and not purchase a camera, so you can look forward to some frequent picture uploads. They won't be super good, but they'll do. :)

P.S. Do you like my new layout?? I like's clean...and beige.... You're supposed to see the pillow/bed better but fail.... Okay that's all!


Monday, July 4, 2011


No matter how many rolls of gimbab I eat in Korea, my mom's gimbab will always be my unbiased favorite.... No gimbab tasted or will taste better than the ones made at home.
