Tuesday, May 4, 2010



I am fearful of so many things.
I'm fearful of getting a new piercing, even though I really want one.
I'm fearful of blood.
I'm fearful of insects.
I'm fearful of massages.
I'm fearful of tears.
I'm fearful of responsibility.
I'm fearful of pain.
I'm fearful of the present, past, and the future.
I'm fearful of my bank account.
I'm fearful of judgment.
I'm fearful of loss.
I'm fearful of going to Korea.
I'm fearful of not going to Korea.
I'm fearful of facing reality.
I'm fearful of misunderstanding reality.

But I am forced to face these fears.
Each and every one of them, as it has been for the past year or so.

What's comforting though is that He stands by me as I do so, and tells me that He is pleased, that there is something waiting for me. He has something prepared for me.

Where will You take me next?
Did I mention that I'm also fearful of the unknown?

Meh. Thus is life.
