Thursday, May 19, 2011

Beauty Vloggers

Okay, confession time.

I am...a HUGE YouTube beauty vlog follower. Okay well, I don't really subscribe to anyone but I do try to keep up with people posting up videos on different beauty tips. Just a few of my favorites are:

Michelle Phan




And then there are vloggers who get fifty gazillion likes and a gajillion comments and so much media exposure although not as many subscribers/followers as the others is one of this sort:


I don't get it.

How does a girl who talks 87 mph (SHE DOESN'T BREATHE I SWEAR) who pretty much shows off all the "stuff" she has while being helpful here and there gets an incredible amount of feedback while the girls (who I'm fond of) are prone to get a pretty good amount of negative attention, especially if they were to be close to annoying as Blair? Granted, Blair probably loves the art of make up (o.O) but I'm not really sure what kind of example she's trying to set for young girls who watch her videos. I feel like they might feel a lot of pressure to become materialistic. And she's snagged showings in pretty popular talk shows.

The blogs I initially listed? These girls are so talented. And you can tell what they show in their videos are purely to be helpful. Not only that, they're super creative and artful. But once they do something out of their way to "upgrade", they are scolded for becoming less genuine.

Again. I don't get it.

I don't know...I'm blabbering. I just wish that more people would notice the artfulness and beauty in the creative aspect of it, not just the beauty products.

Girls, it doesn't have to be about all the nice things you have. Work with what you got, yea?


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