Friday, March 11, 2011

Another Dream


A few days ago during a nap, I had a dream that my entire family was making a trip to Korea. We had with us all our luggage and were in the airport. It was nighttime so it was dark, and it was sort of eery because it seemed like the airport was almost deserted. I don't remember seeing anyone else but ourselves.
What's special about this dream?
My a whole we've never been on a trip before. The only time we took a trip with light luggage was to Vegas when we were very young. Other than that, we've never taken a plane trip altogether, nor have we gone to Korea. It's weird that our destination was Korea, too, since I'm making plans to move there, something I've been wanting to do since high school. Am I really that close?
Another special thing. My dad was there with us. I remember feeling absolutely no confusion, and it was just a peaceful, serene, most comfortable feeling and environment.
I want more of these dreams. A part of me wishes that I was confused in the dream so I could've touched him again and showered him with kisses and happy tears.

And although I haven't recorded them, I've been having dreams every time I slept. Am I really that tired? But from what?
But the question I want to ask last is, what will I dream of tonight?


1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, I have these dreams too. It's bittersweet but better than nothing.
