Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dream Recording


I've been having really weird, vivid dreams the past few consecutive nights. I've forgotten most of them, only remembering how strange they were. But I should start recording them.

Last night, it's hard to recollect most of it, but one scene is hard to erase. I had a dream about talking sea mammals; I think two of them were a dolphin and a shark, but for sure one of them was a huge whale. Not only was it huge, but it also had flying abilities. It actually flew while one of my friends was hanging onto its tail fin. The dolphin and shark and I were discussing how much bigger the whale needed to be in order for the flight to be more successful (?). So weird.

Well that's about it.

P.S. I have a lot to write about what the past month has looked for me, but I am not quite in the pensive mood. Let me just jot down some important themes: fear, truth, and confidence.


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