Sunday, March 27, 2011

Some Things Are Just Simply Meant To Be

Today I walked into Bristol Farms (the grocery store next to where I work) in hopes to take home some Indian curry. They didn't have any :(.

But...on the way out I saw my favorite tulips in the most beautiful pink, like a baby powder pink. So I had to buy them. It was totally meant to be! They are now sitting in a vase that a loving friend gave me many Christmases ago.

I love enjoying them in their simplicity. Although many people see them as a waste of money because of their short lifespan, I think the beauty they add to your day for that short while is worth every penny.

Well, on a side note, I need to teach myself how to make Indian curry so I can have it whenever I want. Maybe you can be a guinea pig for me sometime. :)


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