Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is It Just Me?

Here's something that has recently been added to my "Someone Help Me to Understand" list:

Why do people take pictures with their food?

Okay yea, truth be told, I have done it quite a few times myself but most of the time as a victim. I don't recall ever asking a friend, "Hey, can you take a picture of me with my food?"
I mean...it's okay to take pictures of your food. I did it all the time (when I once had a camera); much more often than not food is a form of art , something created especially for you that you want to capture before it disappears. But why the need to hold up the plate(s) as if to...okay I really don't know how to finish this sentence because I honestly don't know why you need to take a picture with your food! I think it's really just the act of holding up your food or awkwardly touching the plate as if to display it that I find perplexing. I'd find nothing wrong with you and your food in a picture together if there wasn't any act of display.

Am I just the weird one for being weirded out by this??

So, if you, reader, find yourself doing this please help me to understand. Even if you don't do this but think you know the reason(s) why, again, help me to understand.

And, as a disclaimer, I'm not saying that something's wrong with you for doing this. I just want to know the answer to the question. You know, it's the same thing as wondering why some people don't like raw onions; it's just a personal taste that I'm trying to understand. :)



  1. lol. yeah. i'm guilty.

    i think it comes with the whole popularization of
    myspace and facebook, people wanna be seen doing something, like we have a life.
    :) that's my opinion
