Thursday, June 9, 2011

Settling In

It's been so hard for me to settle into my humble apartment. Adjusting here has been fine, since I've already been pretty aware of what people are like in Korea, but of course there were a few shockers. But settling it's much more difficult when you're a pretty particular person. I know that I don't have the financial stability to want all the things I want, but I don't think I'll feel at home until I get those things. Just a few are:

More than just one set of bedsheets
A couch
Fabric to lay on my stairs that lead to my loft
Warm-lit light bulbs
A full-length mirror

At the same time, I'm asking myself...if I buy all these things, I'm only going to want to stay here another year, but am I really up for that? So much to consider...

But I's best for me to just live in the now. Get everything I need to get if it means to create this place into a place of solace. If I end up leaving after my year is up, then fine, I'll just give away everything. If I end up staying, then it will probably be for good reasons.

Other than that...Korea's fine. Transportation, as I expected, is awesome. The convenience of having food when and where you want it, spectacular. The culture, can use some work. The people...I still need to get used to.

Aside from all of that, all I can and want to feel is anticipation. I really hope to let everything, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g seep into my eyes and ears and soak into my heart. This is truly just the beginning.


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