Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Never Again

I just came out of a 20-hour suffering called food poisoning.
I'm pretty sure it was the Mexican Caesar Salad I had for lunch at Rutabegorz on Sunday.
It makes me regret that much more about not getting my favorite Garlic Chicken Salad.
But more than anything, more than appreciating my Garlic Chicken Salad to an elevated level, I am so grateful for my new found perspective on food.

Take it slow, girlfriend. Nobody's gonna steal your food. Your food ain't running away. Just savor every bite and never will you suffer again.

I don't know if it's because my stomach's still pretty sensitive or I just have this idea that I need to be overprotective of my stomach after this incident but I can't imagine myself eating food the same way again. I've always had this notion that eating slowly helps my body in more ways than not, but I'd always find myself doing the opposite. Well, I don't breathe in my food the way some people do, but I certainly don't take my time. Food is just good, okay?! And I'm hungry most of the time, okay?!

Well, I just wanted to say that because it was a nasty 20 hours: throwing up what felt like was my insides, throwing up from just thinking about food, not being able to sleep because of the nausea, becoming bff's with my toilet.... I literally woke up late this morning (I don't know how I fell asleep) feeling...happy but in a more ethereal sense. Oh, and with sore abs and lower back. :)

I usually don't whine about this stuff, physical pain. But I'm just grateful to be alive. Again. And healthy.


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