Sunday, January 24, 2010

I have decided....

...that my future cafe/restaurant will be called "...".

One day, a co-worker began to call me "..." because my name sounds like '...'.

And, I always talk about how the sky is God's "..."....

How appropriate. :)

Perhaps I should copyright this before it gets taken.... But at least for now, you, my readers, are my witnesses. Hehe.

Thanks to Grace's advice, it is now a secret. You can ask me personally and if I trust you enough, I will tell you. Hehe.



  1. i don't think you should post what you want on a public blog... anybody could steal it (the copyright to the name)!
    (this is coming from a daughter of a patent lawyer, haha. just to put things into perspecitve :P)

    ps. i love it too.

    hi, eseul!
