Monday, January 31, 2011

Treat My Body Good

Today I was on the elliptical for a mere 20 minutes (with a 2 minute cool-down) which came out to be an equivalence of 1.6 miles and
I wish to be in bed.
A nap after a workout.
Anyways...I really need to treat my body better. I always thought that it was okay for me to skip working out because I'm on my feet for 95% of my shifts at work almost every day. But lately, I've been noticing that my body doesn't function the way it used to. I'm tired more, cranky more (this bit could be the result of other factors though), and strange things have been happening to my body. One time, I had a stomach ache unlike any other stomach ache I've had that lasted 3 days straight without rest. My poos haven't been very regular. My limbs have been falling asleep more often than before. Something's up right?! it begins. My body doesn't deserve this. It deserves to be taken care of.

IT'S SEXY TIME! :D :/ -__- o.O


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