Thursday, January 20, 2011

Au Revoir, Hiver


I am utterly heartbroken to say goodbye to winter.
Come the warm air and bright, bright sunshine and all I can do is feel dreadful.
Here are several reasons why I do not love summer:

1. You can only take off so much clothing.
2. As sandals become a part of your daily ensemble, you have to care about painting your toenails. Painting your fingernails is already a task in itself.
3. Sweat. I hate sweat. Especially when it appears after little to no physical activity.
4. You have to shave more often. Whatever girl, you know what I'm talkin' 'bout.
5. Physical affection (I love hugs) becomes less desirable.
6. It's a terrifying thing, entering a car that had been parked outdoors for even less than half an hour.
7. Everyone smells a little more than they usually do.
8. Laundry needs to be done more often.
9. Sleep isn't so comfortable when your skin is touching a surface of any kind. It's these times that I wish I could float.

I want the clouds back. I want the rain back. I want to cozy up. :(


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